How to Say Goodbye to Plantar Warts for Good

Most people will develop a wart at least once in their lifetime. Although there are different types of warts, those that develop on the soles of your feet and toes are called plantar warts.  

Plantar warts are the result of a highly contagious viral infection of the skin—in this case, the invader is the human papillomavirus (HPV).  

The virus enters the skin when we walk barefoot in common areas such as pools, gyms, spas, locker rooms, and hotel rooms. 

This contagious and ugly skin infection rarely resolves on its own. Traditional methods such as freezing, burning, or cutting the wart are often ineffective, and you can contract the infection again. A new treatment called Swift, a form of immunotherapy, stimulates your own immune system to attack and destroy the wart, giving you immunity so you never get warts again.

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